Before You Plan Your Inflight Connectivity Strategy, Get the Real Story About These Five Satellite Myths.

Debunking The Myths Of Airline Connectivity

Download this tip sheet to learn the truth behind these 5 satellite myths:

1. It's all about frequency.
2. Satellites: the Bigger, the Better.
3. You have to bet big on one technology.
4. "We've got you covered (with three satellites)."
5. "Our satellites evenly distribute capacity."
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Nearly every major airline is planning its digital strategy and investing in IFC technologies to realize the promise of the connected future. The benefits are well-known – from improving passenger satisfaction and loyalty to increasing operational efficiencies in real time, both on the ground and in the air.

You're faced with a lot of options – and hearing many claims about what kind of technology will be the best for your airline.

But how can you cut through the noise to ensure you're making investments that will keep up as your business – and passenger demands – continue to grow?

The stakes are high, and we want to help set the record straight. Learn more in Debunking the Myths of Airline Connectivity: Five Need-to-know Facts for Making Future-proof Connectivity Decisions.

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